Thursday, January 21, 2010



I barely have had any "time" to post anything of "value". I love quotation marks. But. Yeah.

I really need to write up about my trip to Santa Monica for Lei Out 2010. I have like 50% of my 200 photos uploaded to Facebook. Fucking time consuming.

I also have to write about what's going on in the kitchen and how we're hosting a Minus 8 Vinegar dinner next Tuesday. Google Minus 8 Vinegar. It's some badass shit.

I made it home tonight, again.

IT's my 7th day in a ROW of heavy consumption. Kinda bad, but I'm not hindered by it at work. Going until Sunday and then going dry til May/Alumni Day at UCLA. Epic?

I hit 100 MPH today on RT 287. I was pretty proud.

From Random January 2010

I also got the opportunity to work the Hot Appetizers lastnight. fucking amazing. I got to cook off scallops, boar belly, gnocci, etc. Fucking loved it. Not many orders, not too busy, but got some valuable info about working a station near the stove. Fucking awesome. Sizzling scallops and shit. EVerythings hot as fuck and you use your hands to cook. Love it. But whateva, salads and desserts are pretty badass too.

Can't believe it's already Thursday. Freaking 7 hours at home to sleep, don't see any of my family, wake up go to work, after work, go to Avelinos, then go home tipsy. rinse/repeat. Time fliesssss
